A moving short film explores what it’s really like to live with ADD/ADHD

A moving short film explores what it’s really like to live with ADD/ADHD

Do you know what it's actually like to have an attention disorder?

We've all heard the stereotypes. Symptoms of learning disabilities and attention disorders are often dismissed as laziness, too much energy, a result of bad parenting — or worse, that it's all in the head. There are even those who think it's completely and utterly made up.

But one Swedish filmmaker is shining a light on these often-misunderstood conditions. His moving four-minute silent film, "Bokstavsbarn" (or "Falling Letters"), gives viewers a glimpse into the life of a kid that struggles with attention issues.

You can check it out right here:

Falling Letters from Erik Rosenlund on Vimeo.

Short film by Erik Rosenlund Original Swedish title: "Bokstavsbarn". This version has kindly been made available on Vimeo by Erik so it can be watched in schools: https://vimeo.com/219667297

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